An unefficient system of final rulings in enforcement is one of the most serious problems in many european countries, as this problem undermines the efficiency of the Judicial system and the trust that citizens have in authorities. Serbian Judicial system is not an exception, said Minister of Justice Nikola Selaković today in the Metropol hotel, during the official presentation of the ,,Comprehensive analysis of the enforcement system in Serbia review’’

Selaković reminded that Serbian courts face a significant backlog and many other problems which are in the proces of enforcement and in connection with the legal framework of enforcement, and lack of funds available.

Selaković highlighted that all mentioned probles were the basis for the new Enforcement and Security law in 2011. This law introduced not only the enforcers but also the proffesion of private enforcers. ’’The first group of enforcers started working in May 2012, and two years after - this judicial proffesion has 209 members’’, said Selaković and added that introducing enforcers into Serbian Judicial system has led to an improvement of the enforcement system, but because it exists for some time now, it is necessary to do a systematic review and to improve it if it needs improvement.

Selaković pointed out that the Work Group of the Ministry of Justice, in accordance with the National strategy for the Judicial system reform in the period between 2013-2018, and in accordance with the Action plan for the negotation of the Chapter 23, works very hard on changes and amendments of the Enforcement and Security law. He also added that in his work he has the support of the ’’Rule of law and claim enforcement’’ project primarily through the conducted comprehensive analysis of the legal and institutional framework in the country, and through the analysis of EU legal heritage, as well as the good international standards and good practise.

’’The Assesment report for the system of claim enforcement determines the most important fields for us, as well as the mechanisms that should be established and made even stronger, because this will perminently improve the eficient functioning of the enforcement system in Serbia’’, said Selaković. He also added that the Work Group will apply all recomendations regarding the improvement of the system of supervision and control of the enforcers work, disciplinary responsability, and all in the same cause of making the rule of legal system even stronger, and making legal security and predictability in Serbia a sure thing.

Selaković reminded that the Parliament adopted changes of the Law that is in connection with a more fair redistribution of cases among the enforcers, as well as the changes of jurisdiction for handling the utility cases and that all this changes made the monopolitic approach of the proffesion now impossible.